An Evening With Jim

"Every skilled conversationalist knows that a colorful, vivid narrative - funny or moving, surprising or suspenseful - is the best way to attract and hold the attention of an audience."  Jennifer McCrea and Jeffery C. Walker
The Liberal Leadership Debates over the past month has established one truism - Jim Bennett knows how to capture an audience.

Quick-witted, colorful, spontaneous and  unscripted, our Leadership candidate knows the power of a story or a metaphor to convey a message and a meaning.  And the audience responds! (As we have seen with the pie story at the VOCM Debate)

Jim is a skilled and consummate communicator and that makes leader of the pack when it comes to leading our Liberal Party and our Province and sharing his vision and ideas about how we can do better.

This Thursday, at St. Thomas Church Hall (8 Military Road) at 7pm, Jim will host an evening where he will share the history of our remarkable party and his vision for its potential, as well as his thoughts on how our province can  steer the way to a more productive future.

You can be sure that Jim will have a colourful story to share! Let us give you a hint - it involves 3 cars ... the Blue car, the Orange car and the RED Car...

To lead the change that is needed in this province, first you have to "harness the power of a story" to make the connection with people and other important partners as we progress to a better way.  Jim has a passion for People, Policy and for raising the Potential of this Province and our beloved Party.

Come on Thursday and be inspired by a true Communicator and Leader!

Team Jim Bennett